Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister, an upcoming TV anime based on the romantic comedy manga of the same name, has unveiled a new key visual (below) as well as two new cast members. The series will broadcast Japan for two consecutive cours (24 episodes total) on the TV Tokyo network and BS NTV beginning in October 2024. It will also stream on Crunchyroll as part of the fall 2024 anime simulcast lineup.
Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister key visual
The new cast members include:
Mahiru Anekoji voiced by Nana Mizuki (Alice Summerwood in HIGHSPEED Étoile)
Shirahi Tsuruyama voiced by Chika Anzai (Shizuru Chikura in Train to the End of the World)
The original Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister manga by Marcey Naito is serialized in Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen Sunday manga magazine, and an English language version is also available from Kodansha USA. Yujiro Abe directs the Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister TV anime at animation studio Drive, while Hiroshi Watanabe serves as assistant director, Yasuko Aoki provides the series composition, and Haruko Iizuka provides the character designs.
Crunchyroll describes Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister:
Uryu Kamihate is a high school student striving to enter Kyoto University’s medical school. After being raised at an orphanage, Uryu is taken in by the chief priest at Amagami Shrine, where he begins to live as a freeloader—and to cohabit with Yae, Yuna, and Asahi, the three beautiful shrine maiden sisters! What’s more, the condition he must meet in order to live at the shrine for free is to marry into the family and inherit the shrine! How will Uryu overcome his marriage meetings with the three sisters as well as the many challenges that Amagami Shrine faces? So begins a miraculous rom-com about living under the same roof with three shrine maidens!
Source: Comic Natalie