Umamusume: Pretty Derby Beginning of a New Era, the first anime film in the long-trotting horse-girl multimedia franchise, has passed 1 billion yen at the Japanese box office, marking a milestone for the anthropomorphized action anime series as the movie races to the finish line.
As of June 16, Umamusume: Pretty Derby Beginning of a New Era has brought in over 1 billion yen (US$6.34 million) on the back of more than 660,000 tickets sold. The movie also finished 5th place in last weekend’s attendance rankings, just behind the BOCCHI THE ROCK Part 1 compilation film and ahead of Furiosa.
Umamusume: Pretty Derby Beginning of a New Era released in Japan on May 24, 2024. Ken Yamamoto directs and provides character designs and chief animation direction for the film at studio CygamesPictures. Tetsuya Kobari provides scenario direction and series composition while Kiyoko Yoshimura provides the script. The first three Umamusume: Pretty Derby TV anime seasons are streaming on Crunchyroll.
The film’s official website describes its story as such (translated):
Jungle Pocket, a.k.a. Pokke, is a Umamusume girl who has been running free in freestyle races, aiming to be the strongest. On a whim, Pokke watches a race in the Twinkle Series. She is shocked by Fuji Kiseki’s performance in the race, and decides to challenge for the Twinkle Series herself.
Pokke enters “Toresen Academy,” where Umamusume girls gather, and under the guidance of trainer Tanabe, who raised Fuji Kiseki, she takes on the “Classic Triple Crown Race,” a race she is allowed to attempt only once in her lifetime. What awaited him there were rivals of the same generation who were even more talented than Pokke.
Dedicated to her work, Dantsu Flame continues to work hard and honestly. Manhattan Cafe, running after a “friend” that only she can see. And Agnes Tachyon, a mad scientist who seeks beyond the possibilities of Uma Musume.
These Umamusume girls put their pride, their will, and their souls on the line.
The hot and fierce battle opens the door to a new era.
Source: Kogyo Tsushin