Yana Toboso’s dark fantasy manga series Black Butler will take an extended hiatus starting from the August 2024 issue of Square Enix’s monthly magazine G-Fantasy set to release in Japan on July 18, 2024, the magazine’s official Twitter announced today on June 18. The resumption date is unknown at this time, and chapters that have been serialized in the past will be republished during the hiatus.The Black Butler manga has been serialized in the magazine since September 2006. Through a wide variety of mixed media projects, including TV anime, anime feature films, live-action feature film, and musicals, the series has gained popularity not only in Japan but also all over the world, printing more than 35 million copies worldwide as of December 2023.In a message illustration posted on Twitter below, the author states, “I have decided to take a little longer maintenance vacation! Since my debut in 2004, I have been drawing for 20 years in 2024. The fact that I have been able to keep running for such a long period of time without serious illness or breaks is due to the warm support of everyone. During this period, I will continue to prepare for the necessary interviews and preparations for the climax of ‘Black Butler’ while making sure that my body and mind are in good shape. I am very sorry to those of you who have been looking forward to my monthly serialization. I will return in the best condition, so I hope you will be able to wait for a little while.”The timing of the resumption of serialization will be announced in the magazine as soon as it is determined.
Source: “G-Fantasy” magazine official Twitter© Yana Toboso/SQUARE ENIX,Project Black Butler