Just like the recent anime adaptation of Natsuki Takaya’s beloved Fruits Basket manga, the stage play version also plans to go all the way to the end with a brand-new show subtitled “The Final”, which will be shown at Tokyo’s Hulic Hall from October 18 to October 27.
A teaser trailer and visual (above) were also unveiled today.
Nobuhiro Mori directs and writes the production with the following cast members:
Toru Honda played by Ayano Yoshida Christie
Yuki Soma played by Naoya Kitagawa
Kyo Soma played by Shohei Hashimoto
Shigure Soma played by Yuya Asato
Hatsuharu Soma played by Shogo Tamura
Isuzu Soma played by Nene Shida
Momiji Soma played by Ruito Koga
Arisa Uotani played by Chisato Minami
Saki Hanajima played by Yukari Nakamura
Kakeru Manabe played by Yuro Hiroi
Machi Kuragi played by Marina Horiuchi
Kagura Soma played by Yuna Sekine
Kisa Soma played by Erena Kamata
Hiro Soma played by Yoshiharu Jin
Kureno Soma played by Daiki Miyoshi
Akito Soma played by Sho Ayanagi
Toru Honda
Yuki Soma
Kyo Soma
Hatsuharu Soma
Momoji Soma
Arisa Uotani
Saki Hanajima
Crunchyroll streams every episode of the 2019 anime remake and the original 2001 series, describing the story like so:
Tohru Honda thought her life was headed for misfortune when a family tragedy left her living in a tent. When her small home is discovered by the mysterious Soma clan, she suddenly finds herself living with Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure Soma. But she quickly learns their family has a bizarre secret of their own: when hugged by the opposite sex, they turn into the animals of the Zodiac!
Source: Comic Natalie