Shinmai Ossan Boukensha, Saikyou Party ni Shinu hodo Kitaerareta Muteki ni Naru (“The Rookie Middle-Aged Adventurer Was Trained to Death by the Most Powerful Party to Become Invincible”), an upcoming TV anime based on the fantasy light novel series, has revealed two new cast members. The series will broadcast in Japan on TV Tokyo beginning on July 1, 2024, with additional broadcasts to follow later on Mainichi Broadcasting System and BS TV Tokyo.
The new cast members include:
Geese Resurrect voiced by Yuta Suminaga
Geese Resurrect character visual
Snape Resurrect voiced by Kazuya Ichijo (Charlotte Moscato in One Piece)
Snape Resurrect character visual
The original Shinmai Ossan Boukensha, Saikyou Party ni Shinu hodo Kitaerareta Muteki ni Naru light novels are written by Kiraku Kishima, illustrated by Tea, and published in Japan by Hobby Japan under their HJ Novels imprint. Shin Katagai directs the TV anime at animation studio Yumeta Company, Kasumi Tsuchida provides the series composition, Mari Eguchi provides the character designs, and Tomotaka Osumi provides the music.
Shinmai Ossan Boukensha, Saikyou Party ni Shinu hodo Kitaerareta Muteki ni Naru key visual
The story of Shinmai Ossan Boukensha, Saikyou Party ni Shinu hodo Kitaerareta Muteki ni Naru is described as follows:
In a world where becoming an adventurer in one’s teens is the norm, Rick Gladiator went from a Guild clerk to an adventurer after the age of 30. He has spent unimaginable training days with members of the legendary “Orichalcone Fist,” a party of the continent’s strongest adventurers, and although he is a newbie in the F rank, he possesses combat power on par with the highest rank, S rank!
Source: Comic Natalie