While production for the third season of the One-Punch Man anime is underway, manga illustrator Yusuke Murata, who adapts the series from the original webcomic by ONE, needs to make his own “preparations.” Murata announced on his Twitter account and Tonari no Young Jump on its official website that the One-Punch Man manga will be going on hiatus for two months “due to various arrangements and preparations by Yusuke Murata.”
It was not revealed what those “arrangements and preparations” are.
The next chapter is scheduled to be published on the Tonari no Young Jump online platform on August 22.
The original One-Punch Man story comes from the mind of ONE, who releases the series as a webcomic. Yusuke Murata then adapts the story with ONE and releases the manga version on the Tonari no Young Jump online platform. The 31st collected volume releases in Japan on July 4. A third TV anime series is in production. VIZ Media publishes the series in English and describes it as such:
Every time a promising villain appears, Saitama beats the snot out of ’em with one punch! Can he finally find an opponent who can go toe-to-toe with him and give his life some meaning? Or is he doomed to a life of superpowered boredom?
Source: Yusuke Murata on Twitter