Kaiju No. 8, an ongoing TV anime based on the shonen science fiction / action manga, is getting a special exhibition that runs from September 13 – November 10, 2024, at the Gallery AaMo venue in Tokyo Dome City, Tokyo, Japan, and now a new key visual (below) has been published for the event.At the Kaiju No. 8 Special Exhibition, visitors take on the role of new cadets touring a Defense Force base as they view some 120 pieces of artwork as well life-sized props replicating the weapons and equipment of Kaiju No. 8. The exhibition also features a “Kaiju Disaster Area” diorama and original character goods.
Kaiju No. 8 Special Exhibition Visual
Kaiju No. 8 Special Exhibition key visual
The original Kaiju No. 8 manga by Naoya Matsumoto is serialized in Shueisha’s Shonen Jump+ manga magazine, and an English language version is also available from VIZ Media. Shigeyuki Miya directs the Kaiju No. 8 TV anime at animation studio Production I.G. Ichiro Okouchi provides the series composition, Tetsuya Nishio serves as chief animation director and character designer, Mahiro Maeda provides the kaiju design, Shinji Kimura serves as art director and Yuta Bandoh provides the music.
Crunchyroll describes Kaiju No. 8:
In a world plagued by creatures known as Kaiju, Kafka Hibino aspired to enlist in The Defense Force. He makes a promise to enlist with his childhood friend, Mina Ashiro. Soon, life takes them in separate ways. While employed cleaning up after Kaiju battles, Kafka meets Reno Ichikawa. Reno’s determination to join The Defense Force reawakens Kafka’s promise to join Mina and protect humanity.
Source: Comic Natalie