As promised, today marks the launch of the third DLC entry for Fate/Samurai Remnant, titled Vol. 3 Record’s Fragment: Bailong and the Crimson Demon. With that launch comes a trailer heralding the arrival of a mystery that involves a bird monster sowing chaos throughout Edo.
Fate/Samurai Remnant DLC Vol. 3 Trailer
Here’s how the official website describes the story:
Mysteriously disappearing children. Rumors of evil spirits in Yoshiwara.
A strange voice calling out to Miyamoto Iori. A suddenly attacking bird monster.
In the midst of all these strange incidents, Yui Shousetsu appears in the form of a child and declares that if nothing is done, Edo will be destroyed.
With the Spirit Font in turmoil, aspirants of the Waxing Moon join together to face a new anomaly.
Among them is a newly arrived Servant, an unrivaled spear-wielder, Rogue Rider Zhao Yun.
“Feel the sting of Zhao Zilong’s spear!”
Fate/Samurai Remnant is currently available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch and PC.Source: Press Release