Oomuro-ke dear friends, the second film based on the YuruYuri spin-off manga, is heading to cinemas in Japan on June 21, 2024, and now YuruYuri manga author Namori has published a commemorative illustration (below) celebrating the upcoming release of the film.
Oomuro-ke dear friends illustration by Namori
Based on the YuruYuri spin-off manga by Namori, Naoyuki Tatsuwa directs Oomuro-ke dear friends at Passione and Studio Lings. Masahiro Yokotani provides the script, Kazuyuki Ueda provides the character designs and Yusuke Shirato provides the music. The first film, Oomuro-ke dear sisters, premiered in Japan on February 2, 2024.
The Oomuro-ke films focus on the daily lives of Sakurako Oomuro and her two sisters, Nadeshiko and Hanako. Crunchyroll currently streams the YuruYuri TV anime and describes it as follows:
YURUYURI follows four students who decide to occupy the room of defunct tea ceremony club, dubbing it the ‘Amusment Club.’ While the Student Council does its best to eliminate this club, their endless energy, happiness and comedy will keep audiences smiling all season long!
Source: Comic Natalie