Momentary Lily, an upcoming original TV anime, has revealed a veritable garden of new information about the production, including key staff, the main cast, the opening theme song performer, a new trailer and a new key visual (below). The series is scheduled to begin broadcasting in Japan in January 2025.
HANABIE. performs the opening theme song for the series, which is entitled “Oishii Survivor” (“Tasty Survivor”).The main cast of Momentary Lily includes:
Yuri Kawazu voiced by Natsuko Abe
Erika Kodaiji voiced by Tsugumi Sakuragi
Hinageshi Usuzumi voiced by Shion Wakayama
Renge Kasumi voiced by Manatsu Murakami
Sazanka Yoshino voiced by Misaki Kuno
Ayame Sakuya voiced by Miyuri Shimabukuro
Shingo Suzuki serves as chief director and character designer for Momentary Lily at animation studio GoHands. Susumu Kudo and Katsumasa Yokomine also provide direction for the series, Tamazo Yanagi provides the screen plays, Hiroshi Okubo provides the mechanical designs and Ryosuke Kojima provides the music.
Momentary Lily key visual
At the time of this writing, the premise and plot synopsis for Momentary Lily have not yet been revealed.Source: Comic Natalie