Plus-Sized Elf, an upcoming TV anime based on the ecchi comedy manga, has announced a collaboration with the Japan French Fries Association. The collaboration includes a new visual (below) appointing Elfuda as a “support ambassador” for the organization, as well as Elfuda’s voice actor, Ayasa Ito, appearing as a guest judge at the Japan French Fries Championship 2024, which will be held at the Saitama Super Arena from June 27 – 30, 2024. Ito will help judge the recipe contest to be held on Saturday, June 29.
Plus-Sized Elf will broadcast in Japan on TOKYO MX and BS11 beginning on July 6, 2024, with an additional broadcast to follow on AT-X beginning on July 8. Plus-Sized Elf will also stream on HIDIVE in the United States.
Japan French Fries Association x Plus-Sized Elf collaboration visual
Additionally, the ending theme for the series, entitled “Minna DE Diet” (“Everybody Diet”), is performed by Demo Tabe-tai (“But I Want to Eat It Squad”), an in-character voice unit composed of the leading ladies for the series, including:
Elfuda voiced by Ayasa Ito
Kuroeda voiced by Rena Hasegawa
Olga voiced by Ayaka Fukuhara
Kusahanada voiced by Miyu Kubota
Melo voiced by Sora Tokui
Laika voiced by Madoka Asahina
Akiho Ino and Oku voiced by Aya Uchida
Kobo voiced by Kotori Koiwai
Satero voiced by Yuka Iguchi
Honeda voiced by Kaori Maeda
Gonda voiced by Aino Shimada
Hitome voiced by Mikoi Sasaki
The original Plus-Sized Elf manga by Synecdoche is published in Japan by Wani Books and Akita Shoten, and an English language version is also available from Seven Seas Entertainment. Toshikatsu Tokoro directs the anime adaptation at animation studio Elias. Katsuyuki Satou provides the character designs, Yuki Takabayashi provides the series composition, Takayuki Yamaguchi provides the sound direction, and Cheru Watanabe provides the music.
HIDIVE describes Plus-Sized Elf:
Naoe-kun, a massage therapist, is about to head home for the day when he’s saddled with a rather strange patient. This lovely lady has emerald eyes, pointy ears, and grew up in the forest—everything about her screams “elf,” except for one thing: her bodacious body. It turns out she left her world but loves junk food in this one, and now her obsession has caught up with her. Can Naoe-kun help this loveable elf girl lose the weight—and keep it off?
Sources: Ota-suke, Official Plus-Sized Elf home page