The official website for Japanese girl idol group Momoiro Clover Z confirmed that their new song “Renacer Serenade” will be available on digital services on June 28. As previously reported, the song will be featured as the new opening theme for the ongoing third season of the That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime TV anime series. This is the first time Momoiro Clover Z has provided a song for the series.”Renacer Serenade” is written, composed, and produced by Motoki Omori (Mrs. GREEN APPLE’s vocalist and guitarist). Their website explains that the theme of the lyrics is “to accompany the listener in the adventure that is life, where various events, both good and bad, occur, and to cherish encounters and live today,” and the music is “characterized by a joyful, bouncy sound with strings, percussion, and other instruments.”
Additionally, the digital single’s jacket illustration was released. The illustration depicts a huge tree with sunlight streaming through the leaves, with the four members leaning against its base having chill time, representing a scene derived from the song’s lyrics.
You can listen to part of “Renacer Serenade” in the anime’s latest trailer below.
Based on the light novels by Fuse, Atsushi Nakayama (Absolute Duo) directs the That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime anime at studio eightbit, with series composition by Kazuyuki Fudeyasu (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun) and character designs by Ryoma Ebata (Stars Align key animator).
Crunchyroll continues to stream the series in a range of subs and dubs, and describes the story:
Corporate worker Mikami Satoru is stabbed by a random killer, and is reborn to an alternate world. But he turns out to be reborn a slime! Thrown into this new world with the name Rimuru, he begins his quest to create a world that’s welcoming to all races.
Source: Momoiro Clover Z official website© STARDUST PROMOTION INC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
© Taiki Kawakami, Fuse, KODANSHA/”Ten-Sura” Project