A Nobody’s Way Up to an Exploration Hero, an upcoming TV anime based on the fantasy light novel series, has published a new trailer and a new key visual (below). The series will broadcast in Japan on TOKYO MX, BS NTV and other stations beginning on July 6, 2024.
Known as Mob Kara Hajimaru Tansaku Eiyutan in Japan, the original A Nobody’s Way Up to an Exploration Hero light novels are written by Kaito, illustrated by ALmic, and published in Japan by Hobby Japan under their HJ Bunko imprint. A manga adaptation for the series with artwork by Terio Teri is also published by Akita Shoten in their Dokodemo Young Champion magazine.
Tomoki Kobayashi directs the TV anime at animation studio Gekkou. Kazuyuki Fudeyasu provides the series composition, Shoko Yasuda provides the character designs, and Kenji Inai provides the music.
A Nobody’s Way Up to an Exploration Hero key visual
The story of the series follows Kaito Takagi, an ordinary high school student who works part time exploring the “dungeons” that have appeared all over Japan. Kaito has low stats and can’t even confront a goblin without having to flee for his life, so he spends his time hunting slimes. One day he encounters an unusual “golden slime” that drops a rare item known as a “servant card” which allows Kaito to summon a Valkyrie, a powerful battle-maiden, and his luck as a low level slime-hunter begins to change…
Source: Comic Natalie