Kumarba, an ongoing children’s TV anime based on the mascot character from the educational YouTube channel, has confirmed that the series will return for a second season to TV TOKYO and other stations in Japan beginning in October 2024. The final episode of season one broadcast in Japan on June 22, 2024.
The main cast of Kumarba season one will reprise their roles for season two, including:
Kumarba voiced by Fairouz Ai
Taburizu voiced by Mai Sato
Nekolun voiced by Honoka Inoue
Bagrin voiced by Picchorina
Syouichirou Hiwatashi produces and directs the Kumarba TV anime at animation studio CREATIVE HOUSE POCKET, while Koki Hashimoto provides the series composition and scripts.
Kumarba key visual
The story of Kumarba follows Kumarba, a 5 year old bear boy who enjoys watching videos on YouTube with his friends Taburisu and Nekolun. One day, Kumarba gets a frantic message on social media that the world of the Internet has been invaded by the evil Bagrin and his virus minions, so Kumarba and company venture inside the Internet World to save the day.
Source: Comic Natalie