Following its announcement in February earlier this year, the Let This Grieving Soul Retire anime series today announced an October 2024 broadcast in Japan and additional cast members to join Kensho Ono and Miyu Kubota, as follows:
Liz voiced by Fairouz Ai
Sitri voiced by Konomi Kohara
Luke voiced by Kohei Amasaki
Ansem/Narrator voiced by Toshikazu Sugita
Lucia voiced by Aoi Koga
Liz / Fairouz Ai
Sitri / Konomi Kohara
Luke / Kohei Amasaki
Ansem / Toshikazu Sugita
Lucia / Aoi Koga
Based on the light novels by Tsukikage, Masahiro Takata (The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World) directs Let This Grieving Soul Retire at studio ZERO-G, with series composition by Hideki Shirane (The Duke of Death and His Maid), character designs by Yusuke Isouchi and Shingo Fujisaki and music by Ryohei Sataka (Gleipnir).
J-Novel Club publishes an official English version of the light novel series and describes the story:
It’s the golden age for treasure hunters—adventurers hungry for wealth, fame, power, and glory, who risk their lives in treasure vaults throughout the world. “Let’s become treasure hunters.” Krai and his childhood friends swore to become the greatest of them all, but that dream should have died the day Krai realized he wasn’t cut out for the job! Yet expectations continue to mount, right along with Krai’s fear for his life. While his childhood friends climb closer toward their dream, this grieving soul has one simple wish: to pack it all in and retire!
Source: Comic Natalie