Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc, the upcoming and most recent animated adaptation of the long-running Kinnikuman shonen action manga, has revealed a new trailer (below), the opening and ending theme song performers, and several new cast members. The series will broadcast in Japan on the Chubu-Nippon Broadcasting / Tokyo Broadcasting System networks beginning on July 7, 2024, and it will also stream on Netflix.
The new cast additions include:
Specialman voiced by Atsushi Tamaru
Canadianman voiced by Wataru Kodama
Tileman voiced by Kodai Inaoka
Curry Cook voiced by Kentaro Tone
Benkiman voiced by Masayuki Kato
Knock voiced by Hideo Ishikawa
Kazuo Nakano voiced by Tetsuya Yanagihara
Kimiko Nakano voiced by Eriko Kadokura
Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc new cast members and voice actors
FLOW performs the opening theme song for the series, entitled “LOVE & JUSTICE”. APAZZI performs the ending theme for the series, which is entitled “Choujin” (“Superhuman”). Additionally, Kinnikuman (played by voice actor Mamoru Miyano) performs the song “Kinnikuman Go Fight!” as the official theme song for Episode 0 of Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc.Also known in the English as Ultimate Muscle, the original Kinnikuman manga by Yudetamago has been serialized since 1979 in Shueisha publications such as Weekly Shonen Jump, Weekly Playboy, and Shu Play News. Akira Sato directs Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc at animation studio Production I.G. Makoto Fukami provides the series composition, Hirotaka Marufuji provides the character designs and Yasuharu Takanashi provides the music.
Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc key visual
The story of Kinnikuman follows Kinnikuman, a clumsy and foolish superhero who discovers that he is actually the prince of Planet Kinniku, a world of mighty super humans, and who eventually grows to become the strongest wrestler in the world.
Source: Comic Natalie