The official website for the upcoming TV anime adaptation of Masamichi Sato’s fantasy manga series Quality Assurance in Another World has released a two-minute second trailer, as well as a 15-second web CM. The new trailer features the anime’s opening theme song “No Complete” performed by voice actor/singer Liyuu (Keke Tang in Love Live! Superstar!!) and the ending theme song “Loop” performed by NACHERRY, a voice actor unit composed of Chiemi Tanaka and Natsumi Murakami.
Quality Assurance in Another World TV anime 2nd trailer
Web Commercial
The TV anime Quality Assurance in Another World is set to premiere in Japan on Tokyo Broadcasting System, Mainichi Broadcasting System, and BS-TBS on July 5, 2024. Prior to the TV premiere, an advance screening event for the anime’s first three episodes is scheduled to be held at the Shinjuku Piccadilly theater in Tokyo on June 22, 2024. The anime’s two main voice cast members — Kaito Ishikawa (Haga) and Hinaki Yano (Nikola) will also join. Pre-orders for the 2,200-yen ticket will be accepted on Ticket Pia between May 30 to June 13.
Quality Assurance in Another World will also stream on Crunchyroll as part of the summer 2024 anime simulcast lineup. The series will be available for members in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East and CIS.Crunchyroll describes the series:
Despite its location in a remote region south of the continent of Felnarc, the island of Clayborne is made up of five small countries crowded together and in constant conflict. In the most remote reaches of the smallest and most peaceful country on the island, the Kingdom of Bayle, is the small village where a girl named Nikola lives a humble life. One day, while she’s out gathering firewood as she does every day, a massive dragon—a creature that’s supposed to only live deep in the mountains—appears in front of her. Just as it’s about to attack the village, a man named Haga rushes to the scene. Haga is a member of the King’s Seekers, a top secret investigation team. Nikola has never once felt bored with her peaceful life, even when every single day is practically the same, but after meeting Haga, she’s so intrigued by Haga and his travels that she decides to step out into the world herself… and then the learns the true nature of her world.
Key visual
Source: “Quality Assurance in Another World” TV anime official website / Twitter©Masamichi Sato, KODANSHA/”Quality Assurance in Another World” Production Committee