The official website for voice actor Mamoru Miyano (Setsuna F. Seiei in MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM 00, Osamu Dazai in Bungo Stray Dogs) announced that his next 25th CD single “The Battle” is set to release in Japan on July 24, 2024. His previous 24th single “Sing a song together” was released in December 2023.”The Battle” is featured as the theme song for the upcoming TV show Gendai Goyaku (Modern Mistranslation). Miyano is also cast as one of the main characters, Kentaro Kujo, in the show’s anime segment. The program, where various quotes left by great people are expressed in “mistranslation” and learned as correct quotes, will begin airing in July 2024 on TOKYO MX and other stations.
The site also revealed the CD jacket photo for the single and Miyano’s new artist visual. The CD jacket photo shows Miyano wearing a white outfit with the song’s title “The Battle” printed on it, against a background of a projector projecting various “words,” which is also the theme of the song.
“The Battle” CD jacket photo
Mamoru Miyano new artist visual
Source: Mamoru Miyano official website / Twitter© 2024 Himawari Theatre Group Inc. / KING RECORD CO., LTD