Announced back in June of 2023, the anime adaptation for Utagoe ha Mille-Feuille (“The Singing Voice is Like a Mille-Feuille Pastry”), a mixed media project about high school girls who bond through the act of singing “a cappella”, finally has a release window. The series is scheduled to broadcast in Japan in 2025.
Utagoe wa Mille-Feuille teaser visual
The staff for the Utagoe ha Mille-Feuille anime includes:
Original work: Pony Canyon x Takuya Yamanaka
Scenario: Takuya Yamanaka
Character design: Chierico
Music producers: Pony Canyon
The cast includes:
Uta Komasa voiced by Mirai Ayase
Musubu Mayumori voiced by Yuko Natsuyoshi (Tsubaki in In the Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki)
Airi Kojou voiced by Kanoko Sudou
Rei Konoe voiced by Misato Matsuoka (Tsubame Mizusaki in Keep Your Hands of Eizouken!)
Uru Miyazaki voiced by Miharu Hanai (Tomoe Murakami in THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS)
Yako Kumai voiced by Haruka Aikawa (Mackie in `Tis Time for “Torture,” Princess)
Source: Official Utagoe ha Mille-Feuille home page