The official website for the upcoming new compilation film from the Gintama anime franchise released a 60-second trailer today on May 23. The upcoming second compilation film is based on the TV anime’s Courtesan of a Nation Arc (known as Ikkoku Keisei-hen in Japan), which were told from the TV anime’s 257th to 261st episodes. In the clip, the franchise’s three main characters — Gintoki Sakata (CV: Tomokazu Sugita), Shinpachi Shimura (CV: Daizuke Sakaguchi, and Kagura (Rie Kugimiya) — introduces the highlights of the film.
Following the first film in November 2023, Gintama on Theater 2D Ikkoku Keisei-hen will screen with extra footage at Japanese theaters for a limited time of three weeks from June 21, 2024. It has been also announced that the first week theatergoers will receive the “Gingin-san” box tissues as a bonus. It is inspired by the box tissues that Gintoki had prepared in the story to transform himself into a dangerous man, Gingin-san, when he went to Yoshiwara. Bonus items for theatergoers are also available for the second and third weeks.
Main visual
As part of the project to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the serialization of Hideaki Sorachi’s Gintama manga and the broadcast of its TV anime adaptation, Gintama on Theater 2D Baragaki-hen, the first compilation film based on the TV anime’s Thorny Arc (known as Baragaki-hen in Japan) screened at theaters in Japan for a limited of three weeks from November 10, 2023.
20th anniversary project main visual
Source: “Gintama on Theater 2D Ikkoku Keisei-hen” official website © Hideaki Sorachi / SHUEISHA, TV Tokyo, Dentsu, BNP, Aniplex