TOUKEN RANBU KAI KYODEN, the latest entry in the animated adaptations based on the Touken Ranbu mixed media franchise, is getting a prequel film that will screen for a limited time of three weeks in Japanese theaters beginning on August 16, 2024. The film is entitled Touken Ranbu Kai – Douden Chikashi Samuraira Umonora– , and a teaser video and visual (below) have been published for the film.
Touken Ranbu Kai Prequel Film Teaser Trailer
Based on the original work by DMM GAMES and NITRO PLUS, Kazuya Ichikawa directs the film at animation studio domerica. Kenichi Suemitsu provides the script, Mari Takada provides the character designs, and Ryunosuke Kasai provides the music. The film features the voice talents of Tarusuke Shingaki as Hasebe Heshikiri and Tomoaki Maeno as Kunihiro Yamanbagiri in the leading roles.
Touken Ranbu Kai Prequel Film Teaser Visual
Touken Ranbu Kai – Douden Chikashi Samuraira Umonora– teaser visual
Crunchyroll currently streams TOUKEN RANBU KAI KYODEN, and describes the story as follows:
In 2205 A.D., evil forces attack the past, threatening to alter the course of history. The judge calls on four swordsmen, with blades blessed by a Shinto priest, to protect the past and save the future. Loyal to their former master, the demon king Oda Nobunaga, they travel back to the Honnoji Temple where he was murdered. Can they stop evil in its tracks and preserve the past? Only time will tell.
Source: Comic Natalie