EGUMI LEGACY, an upcoming TV anime based on the card game featuring original characters created by voice actor Takuya Eguchi, has revealed a bundle of additional cast members. The series will broadcast in Japan beginning in July 2024. The new cast members include:
End of the World voiced by Yoshino Aoyama
End of the World character visual
Careless Hachibe voiced by Soma Saito
Careless Hachibe character visual
Golden Retriever voiced by Yu Serizawa
Golden Retriever character visual
Uninvited Guest voiced by Kotaro Nishiyama
Uninvited Guest character visual
Wizard voiced by Shinichiro Kamio
Wizard character visual
Cursed Guitar Case voiced by Wataru Komada
Cursed Guitar Case character visual
God Eye voiced by Wataru Hatano
God Eye character visual
Invisible Stalker voiced by Daiki Kobayashi
Invisible Stalker character visual
Perm Stripe voiced by Daiki Kobayashi
Perm Stripe character visual
Mohawk Dot voiced by Yoshiki Nakajima
Mohawk Dot character visual
Legendary Final Climax Bomb voiced by Takuya Eguchi
Legendary Final Climax Bomb character visual
EGUMI LEGACY key visual
Based on original characters created by Takuya Eguchi, Masa Mori directs EGUMI LEGACY at Studio Outrigger, and Masa also provides the scripts along with co-writer Katsuya Kitano. 81 Produce provides production assistance.The story of EGUMI LEGACY is set on the remote island of Egu, where the inhabitants sole means of entertainment comes from listening to the beautiful singing voice of the diva known as “End of the World”. However, the sudden disappearance of End of the World plunges Egu Island into a whirlpool of anger, anxiety and suspicion as the residents begin to scheme and set their own plans into motion. Against this backdrop, the legendary “Egumi Legacy” holds the key to finding End of the World and putting an end to “The Great Licking War”.
Source: Comic Natalie