Once Upon a Witch’s Death, a series of fantasy light novels written by Saka and illustrated by Torefuji, is being adapted into a TV anime that will broadcast in 2025. In addition to an official website and social media feed, the series has also revealed the main staff, key cast members, a teaser trailer, and a piece of key art (below).
Meg Raspberry voiced by Yoshino Aoyama (Ururu in The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic)
Meg Raspberry character art
Faust voiced by Yoshiko Sakakibara (Sesshomaru’s Mother in Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon)
Faust character art
ASCII Media Works publishes the original Once Upon a Witch’s Death light novels under their Dengeki no Shin Bungei imprint. Yen Press also publishes an English language version. Atsushi Nigorikawa directs the TV anime at animation studio EMT Squared. Keiichirou Ohchi provides the series composition, while Yukishizuku provides the character designs.
Once Upon a Witch’s Death key art
Yen Press describes Once Upon a Witch’s Death:
On Meg’s seventeenth birthday, she learns that she only has one year left to live. Her mentor—the Eternal Witch, Faust—explains that she is cursed and the only way to save herself is to grow a seed of life using one thousand tears of joy. Of course, such tears aren’t easy to come by. As Meg begins her quest, she finds herself drawn into the lives of her friends and neighbors in ways she never imagined. By sharing their burdens and using her magic to comfort them, she learns how precious those moments of connection can be even in the face of death.
Source: Official Once Upon a Witch’s Death TV anime home page