The live-action adaptation of writer Tadashi Agi and illustrator Shu Okimoto’s Drops of God manga is officially set to continue. Drops of God Season 2 has been announced, with lead actors Fleur Geffrier and Tomohisa Yamashita to return as Camille Léger and Issei Tomine, respectively. According to Apple TV+, Drops of God Season 2 finds Camille and Issei once again attempting to pinpoint the origin of the most wonderful wine in the world. This mission takes them all over the globe on a journey that will change them both as they face their inner demons along the way.Oded Ruskin (No Man’s Land) is back to direct the second season, which will premiere on Apple TV+ outside of Japan at an as-yet-unannounced date.
The first season of Drops of God premiered on April 21, 2023. Here’s how manga publisher Kodansha describes the story:
The award-winning comic about wine that has been a hit not just all over Asia but also in France! Learn about legendary bottles as well as affordable secrets while enjoying a page-turner that’s not about superheroes but people with jobs to keep. When world-renowned wine critic Kanzaki passes away, his will reveals that his fortune of a wine collection isn’t bequeathed as a matter of course to his only son, who in a snub went to work sales at a beer company. To come into the inheritance, Shizuku must identify—in competition with a stellar young critic—twelve heaven-sent wines whose impressions the will describes in flowing terms …
Source: Apple TV+