MUZIK TIGER, a popular South Korean mascot character, is getting an anime adaptation in 2025. The series will be a co-production between Japan’s SHIN-EI ANIMATION Co., Ltd. and South Korea’s Daewon Media, and it is scheduled to run for 30 short episodes with each episode being approximately 1 minute in length. The series will be released simultaneously in Japan and South Korea.
“MUZIK” means “unemployed” in Korean, so MUZIK TIGER follows the exploits of a tiger with no job. The story of the MUZIK TIGER mascot character is described as follows:
Toffee and friends live in the Forest,
a place of pale greenery and warm sunshine.
A day in the forest begins with Toffee
lazily lolling on the soft grass.
And Toffee is thinking of all the delicious foods
that will make them happy 🙂
Ok then, let’s meet some of Toffee’s lovely friends!
Source: Comic Natalie