After literally hundreds of episodes, the anime adaptation of Eiko Kera’s manga Atashin’chi will be coming back for a limited five-episode run. Titled Atashin’chi NEXT, the short series will showcase five previously unadapted manga stories, chosen by Kera herself.The five stories adapted will be:
Yuzupi’s Mechanical Pencil
Mikan, Handmade Hambagu
Mother, Jogging
Father, Sleepy Drive
Mikan, Student ID Photo
The episodes will air on the official Atashin’chi YouTube channel, which is currently streaming select episodes of both the original series and 2015’s Shin Atashin’chi. The short series, made in honor of the original manga’s 30th anniversary, will premiere once a month starting June 5.The original Atashin’chi anime aired from 2002-2009. Two films were also produced, one in 2003 and one in 2010. The manga ran for 20 years in Yomiuri Shimbun, ending its run in 2014.
Source: Comic Natalie