A new anime adaptation of Case Closed/Detective Conan author Gosho Aoyama’s Yaiba manga is now in the works, following the official announcement from Weekly Shonen Sunday. The news was revealed in this year’s latest 24th issue of Shogakukan’s magazine, which is available Japanese stores today.The new anime’s official website and Twitter account also opened today, releasing an announcement trailer and teaser visual of the protagonist, Yaiba, holding the Thunder God Sword. The visual is newly drawn by Aoyama himself.
The original Yaiba manga series ran in Weekly Shonen Sunday from September 1988 to December 1993, before Aoyama started the serialization of Detective Conan in 1994, then compiled in 24 tankobon volumes. The series was previously adapted into a 52-episode TV anime series from 1993 to 1994 under the title Kenyu Densetsu YAIBA.The new anime series will be fully supervised by the manga author Aoyama himself. He posted his comment on the bottom of the top page of the anime’s official website, saying “Please give it a look, whether you know Yaiba or not. It’s awesome!”The official website’s introduction section describes its story:
The protagonist, Yaiba (Kurogane Yaiba), is a wild samurai boy who trains in the jungle with his father, Kenjuro! By chance, Yaiba returns to Japan, where he meets his rival Takeshi Onimaru, who has the same samurai spirit as Yaiba, in a new training ground.Yaiba is living a life of serious competition, but when Onimaru obtains the “Legendary Demon Sword”, he is on a journey full of spectacle and great adventure…!
Source: New “Yaiba” anime series official website / Twitter©Gosho Aoyama/Shogakukan