The Monogatari Series: Off & Monster Season anime is on full display in a new trailer, serving up a preview of the Orokamonogatari and Nademonogatari arcs along with a sample of YOASOBI’s theme song, “UNDEAD.” The new anime adapting more of NISIOISIN’s novel series also has a premiere date locked in for July 6, 2024.
Monogatari Series: Off & Monster Season Trailer
Adapting the novels conceived by NISIOISIN and illustrated by VOFAN, Midori Yoshizawa (Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story) is directing Monogatari Series: Off & Monster Season at studio SHAFT under the supervision of Akiyuki Shinbo, who serves as chief director as well as co-series composer with Fuyashi Tou.Additional staff members include:
Script Writer: Miku Oshima
Chief Animation Directors: Nobuhiro Sugiyama, Kana Miyai
Art Director: Hisaharu Iijima
Color Designer: Yasuko Watanabe
CG Director: Hisato Shima
Directors of Photography: Hiyori Hashimoto, Mizuho Ishikawa
Editor: Rie Matsubara
Sound Director: Yota Tsuruoka
Music Composer: Satoru Kosaki
Crunchyroll streams the previous seasons of Monogatari anime series and describes the progenitor, Bakemonogatari, like so:
“Bakemonogatari” (translated “Ghost Story”) was written by Nisioisin, one of the most popular writers in Japan, and the series consists of 5 different stories. Thanks to Meme Oshino, Koyomi Araragi, a high school student, is able to remain a human after coming across a female vampire..
Source: Aniplex on YouTube