EverdreaM, a rock vocal unit consisting of voice actor Misato (Misato Matsuoka) and Hitomi (Hitomi Sekine), has posted a music video for their second CD single song, “Sadame” (Fate), on their official YouTube channel. The dramatic tune is now featured as the ending theme for the spring 2024 TV anime Re:Monster.The unit made their CD debut in June 2023 with the five-song mini album “ENDLESS LABYRINTH,” which contained the opening theme song for the spring 2023 TV anime Rokudo’s Bad Girls. Then they released their double A-side first CD single “Jekyll & Hyde/Ao no Genseki” in November of the same year. Each of its title songs were used as the opening and ending themes for the fall 2023 TV anime Berserk of Gluttony, respectively.”The music video for ‘Sadame’ was created based on the concept of two people who, despite being born weak, face up to the obstacles and threats that stand in their way,” director Yuko Koga said. “We also put a lot of effort in crossing the speedy images of the ‘Re:Monster’ anime with the fragile yet cool worldview of the two EverdreaM members. I hope that those who have seen the Music Video will be able to see the hope that the two could see by taking each other’s hands at the end.”
EverdreaM “Sadame” music video
Re:Monster anime creditless ending movie
Following the title tune’s digital release on April 4, the CD single of “Sadame” will be available in Japan on May 8.
Digital single jacket
EverdreaM edition CD jacket
Re:Monster edition CD jacket
EverdreaM leatest profile photo
The TV anime adaptation of Kogitsune Kanekiru’s fantasy light novel series Re:Monster premiered in Japan on April 4, and it first four episodes are now available on Crunchyroll for members in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East and CIS.Crunchyroll describes the series:
After meeting an untimely death, Tomokui Kanata is reincarnated as a lowly goblin, but he’s worked up a monstrous appetite. Thanks to his new ability that allows him to grow stronger the more he feeds, his feeble status quickly changes, and he rises to become the goblin leader. With a mix of his past memories, new body, and strong stomach, he’s taking a bite out of this new fantastical world!
Source: EverdreaM official YouTube channel© HIAN Inc. All Rights Reserved.