An original theatrical anime film entitled A NEW DAWN has been announced for release in 2025. The film is a Japanese / French co-production between Asmik Ace and Miyu Productions. Yoshitoshi Shinomiya – an artist best known for their background illustrations in Garden of Words and Your Name. as well as their official visuals for Pokémon films – writes and directs the film based on their original work. Utsushita of Minakata Laboratory provides the character designs, Akiko Majima provides the art direction, and Shuta Hasunuma provides the music.
The story of A NEW DAWN revolves around Taitou Fireworks, a fireworks factory that is about to be closed down and evicted from the place where it has done business for 330 years. The story focuses on two days in the lives of three young people who have lived and grown up near the factory, and on their encounter with Shuhari, a legendary “phantom fireworks shop”.
Source: Comic Natalie