Koneko no Chi Ponponra Natsuyasumi (“Chi the Kitten Ponponra Summer Vacation”), an upcoming 3DCG anime based on the Chi’s Sweet Home manga about the everyday adventures of an adorable kitten, has revealed new cast members, a new key visual, and a new trailer. The series will stream on Netflix beginning in July 2024.
Aina voiced by Yu Serizawa (Rae Taylor in I’m in Love with the Villainess)
Aina and Yu Serizawa
Tida voiced by Aimi Tanaka (Myuri in Spice and Wolf: MERCHANT MEETS THE WISE WOLF)
Tida and Aimi Tanaka
Umikaji voiced by Kanae Kuninaka
Umikaji and Kanae Kuninaka
Champuru voiced by Rikako Aikawa (Pioran in To Your Eternity)
Champuru and Rikako Aikawa
The original Chi’s Sweet Home manga by Konami Kanata was serialized from 2004 – 2015 in Kodansha’s Weekly Morning manga magazine, and an English language version is available from Vertical Inc.. Kiminori Kusano directs the Koneko no Chi Ponponra Natsuyasumi anime at animation studio MARZA ANIMATION PLANET, while Misuzu Chiba provides the series composition and Kenji Kondo and Kei Kawano provide the music.
Koneko no Chi Ponponra Natsuyasumi key visual
The story of Koneko no Chi Ponponra Natsuyasumi follows Chi and her family as they visit Okinawa as a result of Father’s business trip. Crunchyroll currently streams the Chi’s Sweet Home – Chi’s New Address anime, and describes the story:
A heart-warming story of a kitten’s daily adventures and its owner family.
Source: Comic Natalie