Acro Trip, an upcoming TV anime based on the magical girl comedy manga, has revealed a new trailer for the series, which is scheduled to hit Japanese TV in October 2024.
The original Acro Trip manga by Yone Sawata was serialized from February 2017 – December 2022 in Shueisha’s Ribon shoujo manga magazine. Ayumu Kotake directs the TV anime adaptation at animation studio Voil, while Shinichi Inozume provides the series composition, Toshie Kawamura provides the character designs, and TECHNOBOYS PULCRAFT GREEN-FUND provide the music.
Acro Trip key visual
The story of Acro Trip follows normal middle-school girl Chizuko Date – a Niigata-area otaku who’s a fan of real-life local magical girl Berry Blossom. But, thanks to the ineptitude of the heroine’s main foe, Chroma, no one really cares much about her battles anymore. Efforts to bring attention back to Berry Blossom lead Chizuko to be scouted for a position in Fossa Magna… the evil organization headed up by Chroma.
Source: Comic Natalie