The Most Notorious “Talker” Runs the World’s Greatest Clan—a light novel series written by Jaki and featuring illustrations by fame—is officially getting a TV anime adaptation. Yuta Takamura (chief director for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable) is lined up to direct, with Takayo Ikami (I Shall Survive Using Potions!) on series composition and Kenji Terao (Attack on Titan Final Season sub-character designer) handling character designs and joining Yuki Fukuchi as chief animation director for the Felix Film x GA-CREW production.Additional staff members include action animation director Kenta Mimuro, color designer Yukiko Ario, art director Shinobu Takahashi and sound director Masanori Tsuchiya, among others.The main cast has also been announced alongside an October 2024 premiere, and you can see an English-subtitled teaser trailer from GREE Entertainment and a teaser visual below.
Teaser visual:
The main cast includes:
Noel Stollen voiced by Daiki Yamashita (Izuku Midoriya in My Hero Academia):
Alma Judikhali voiced by Yu Serizawa (Kaname Arisugawa in TONIKAWA: Over the Moon for You):
Koga Tsukishima voiced by Yosuke Omomo:
Seven Seas Entertainment publishes both the light novel and Yamorichan’s manga adaptation in English and describes the story like so:
Noel longs to be a Seeker like his heroic grandfather, slaying the beasts that emerge from Abysses and exploring far-off lands. Unfortunately, it turns out he’s nothing but a measly Talker–a job with no combat skills whatsoever. Undaunted, Noel sets out to establish the strongest clan in all the land, using his silver-tongued Talker skills to unite assassins and heroes under his leadership.
Source: Comic Natalie