The upcoming original anime Nanare Hananare takes place in Gunma Prefecture, and will showcase many locations throughout it. In anticipation of the new show, a collaboration has kicked off between Gunma and the anime to show off major tourist spots.Three new pieces of art have been released, each depicting two members of in-show cheerleading squad PoMPoMs taking in the sights Gunma has to offer:
Starting April 25, these visuals will be displayed in Numata, Takasaki and Maebashi.Also starting April 25, Keyaki Walk Maebashi will host a display of the Nanare Hananare key visual and life-sized standees of the girls of PoMPoMs. The display will be up through May 6.
Set in Gunma Prefecture, Nanare Hananare follows the daily adventures of six girls: Kanata Misora, an athletic girl who aims to win the national cheer-leading championship; Suzuha Obunai, a girl who uses parkour to get to school; Anna Aveiro, a half-Brazilian / half-Japanese girl who practices capoeira; Nodoka Ohtani, a girl who loves yoga and philosophy; Shion Tanazaki, a tall girl who performs rhythmic gymnastics; and Megumi Kaionji, a former cheer-leading club captain who is recovering from a serious illness.Together, these girls form a cheerleading squad called PoMPoMs and strive to support one another despite their different skills, hobbies and personalities.BanG Dream! franchise director Kodai Kakimoto is directing and writing the series composition of Nanare Hananare at P.A. Works with Tomomi Takada (Komada – A Whisky Family) drawing the original character designs and Kanami Sekiguchi (Hanasaku Iroha) adapting those character designs for animation. Scripts come from Yuniko Ayana (given) and Midori Goto (Attack on Titan: Junior High) alongside the director.The series is scheduled to debut this July.
Source: Comic Natalie