Tonari no Yokai-san, an ongoing TV anime based on the supernatural drama manga, has revealed a new cast member that appears in Episode 3 of the series, which is currently broadcasting in Japan and streaming on Crunchyroll as part of the spring 2024 anime simulcast lineup.
Orochi (?) and Shizuka Ito
In Tonari no Yokai-san, voice actor Shizuka Ito (pictured above) plays a giant snake credited as “Orochi (?)”.
The original Tonari no Yokai-san manga by noho was published from 2018 – 2022 in East Press’s Mato Grosso publication. Aimi Yamauchi directs the TV anime adaptation at animation studio Liden Films. Tomoko Konparu provides the series composition, Jikou Abe provides the character designs, and Avex Music Creative and Blue Bird’s Nest provide the music.
Crunchyroll describes Tonari no Yokai-san:
Welcome to Fuchigamori, the cozy town where supernatural beings are your friendly neighbors. For generations and to this day, the otherworldly Yokai and humans have continued to protect their easygoing way of life. Enjoy the mountain breeze and uncover the mysterious bonds that lie within.
Source: Comic Natalie