American rock band OneRepublic released their latest digital song “Nobody” on April 12, and posted the song’s lyric video on their official YouTube channel. The song will be featured as the ending theme for the spring 2024 TV anime Kaiju No.8, along with the opening theme “Abyss” by English singer YOUNGBLUD.”As a basic premise, I am a big fan of Japan myself. Anime, manga, music, food, culture, etc. have always inspired me a lot,” The band’s lead vocalist Ryan Tedder said on the anime’s official website. “Moreover, I have been obsessed with superheroes since I was a child, and I still want to be as strong as Kafka, so I am very excited to be working on Kaiju No. 8.””Around the spring of 2023, I had a meeting with the Kaiju No. 8 team, where they showed me some of the footage and storyboards, and from there I analyzed the work and characters and thought about what kind of sound was needed. I wanted the song to convey a sense of exuberance, fun, and shining moments, and since I was in Japan on business in November 2023, I wrote the lyrics while I was there. This song was inspired by Japan to the greatest extent possible.”
OneRepublic “Nobody” official lyric video
Interview video with Ryan Tedder
The TV anime adaptation of Naoya Matsumoto’s sci-fi action manga Kaiju No.8 is set to premiere in Japan tonight at 23:00 on April 13 (JST), and will also stream on Crunchyroll for members in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, CIS and Indian subcontinent.Crunchyroll describes the series:
The story revolves around Kafka Hibino, a 32-year-old longing to join The Defense Force and make good on his promise to a childhood friend, Mina Ashiro. He befriends Reno Ichikawa, a new coworker, while cleaning up Kaiju remains. Reno’s determination to join The Defense Force inspires Kafka to fulfill his childhood promise to pass the entrance exam and join Mina to protect humanity. When a small Kaiju burrows itself inside Kafka, he gains superhuman strength and powers fit for fighting Kaiju. He works to earn the trust of his human teammates, defeat increasingly powerful Kaiju, and keep the world safe. Part human and part Kaiju, Kafka recognizes the creature beginning to take over more frequently, and he must fight to hold on to what makes him human.
Sources: OneRepublic official YouTube channel, “Kaiju No.8” TV anime official website