The Kinnikuman anime series is celebrating its 40th anniversary of high-flying pro-wrestling action, with the new Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc entering the ring this July, but that’s not the only opening act for the series this year! The franchise is now set to open a permanent museum in the town of Numazu in Shizuoka prefecture on April 29, following the opening announcement on the museum’s website and Twitter accounts.Japan professional wrestler and mixed martial artist Minowaman Z is appointed director of the Kinnikuman Museum, appearing at events several times each month and running the exhibition. A photo of Minowaman Z against a visual of the museum was also released.
Numazu was chosen as the spot for the Kinnikuman Museum for its proximity to Mt. Fuji, the setting and inspiration of the popular Dream Chojin Tag Arc from the original series. New merch based on the arc will be also available in the museum store, including a new poster (featured below).
The Kinnikuman Museum will have two floors, the first housing the store and a space where people can read the original manga and other books related to the franchise. The second floor will have 45 pieces of art on display, replicating the original drawings of the series, as well as new life-sized figures and more.Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc TV anime, the latest anime adaptation of the manga series and another aspect of the 40th-anniversary celebrations, premieres in July 2024 with direction by Akira Sato at animation studio Production I.G. The original manga by Yudetamago began in Weekly Shonen Jump in 1979.The story of Kinnikuman, also known in English as Ultimate Muscle, follows Kinnikuman, a clumsy and foolish superhero who discovers that he is actually the prince of Planet Kinniku, a world of mighty superhumans, and who eventually grows to become the strongest wrestler in the world.
Source: Comic Natalie