The SAND LAND TV anime continues its adventure each week, leading up to the finale on May 1. After expanding on the film in the first arc of the TV anime series, Beelzebub is now journeying through the Forest Lands in the newest arc, The Story of the Angel Hero, a brand new story for the anime conceived by the late Akira Toriyama.
A brand new trailer and visual were released for The Story of the Angel Hero arc to celebrate the new arc with Beelzebub facing up against Muniel.
The SAND LAND TV anime streams weekly on Disney Plus around the world with 10 episodes available to watch. The original anime film is directed by Toshihisa Yokoshima and Hiroshi Kojina at animation production houses Sunrise, Kamikaze Douga and ANIMA. The film was released in Japan on August 18, opening at 6th place.
VIZ Media released the original manga in English, describing it as such:
In the far future, war has destroyed the entire Earth, leaving only a barren wasteland where the supply of water is controlled by the greedy king. In search of a long-lost lake, Sheriff Rao asked the king of the demons for help…and got the king’s son, Beelzebub, and his assistant, Thief. Together the unlikely trio sets off across the desert, facing dragons, bandits and the deadliest foe of all… the King’s army itself! It’s travel adventure and tank action in this new story from Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball Z!
Source: Comic Natalie