Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night, a currently broadcasting original anime series, has revealed six new cast additions. The series began broadcasting in Japan on April 6, 2024, and it also streams in the United States via HIDIVE. The new cast additions include (pictured below from left to right):
Kaho voiced by Ayu Matsuura
Mion voiced by Chika Anzai
Eru Ari voiced by Nao Toyama
Koharu voiced by Asami Seto
Yukine voiced by Yuko Kaida
Shop Manager Honami voiced by Hekiru Shiina
Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night cast additions
Ryohei Takeshita directs Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night at animation studio Doga Kobo. Yuki Yaku provides the series composition, and Junichiro Taniguchi provides the character designs based on original designs by popman3580.
HIDIVE describes Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night:
Shibuya is a city full of identity. It is here on Shibuya’s late night streets that illustrator Mahiru Kozuki, former idol Kano Yamanouchi, Vtuber Kiui Watase and composer Mei Kim Anouk Takanashi — four young women who are slightly outside the world — join together and form an anonymous artist group called JELEE. “I” also want to shine like someone else. If it’s not me but “we” then we might be able to shine.
Source: Comic Natalie