The Duke of Death and His Maid, an ongoing supernatural romantic comedy TV anime based off the manga of the same name, is kicking off its third season on April 7, 2024, and to celebrate the series has published a commemorative visual (below) illustrated by Koharu Inoue, the original manga author. The series will also stream on Crunchyroll as part of the spring 2024 anime simulcast lineup.
The Duke of Death and His Maid Season 3 commemorative visual
The original The Duke of Death and His Maid manga by Koharu Inoue was serialized from 2017 – 2022 by Shogakukan in their Sunday Webry shonen manga magazine, and an English language version is also available from Seven Seas Entertainment. Yoshinobu Yamakawa directs the TV anime at animation studio J.C. STAFF.
Crunchyroll describes The Duke of Death and His Maid:
This handsome Duke is living in the lap of luxury. He has a grand mansion and even a beautiful flirty maid, Alice. There’s just one problem: if he touches her, she dies. In fact, anything he touches will die! After falling victim to a witch’s curse, the Duke of Death was sent away to live in near isolation. Now, as his feelings for Alice grow, he’s more determined than ever to break the spell.
Source: Comic Natalie