In 1984, Izumi Matsumoto debuted his manga Kimagure Orange Road. Both the manga and its anime adaptation went on to become beloved by fans. To celebrate its 40th anniversary, an exhibition featuring more than 200 works of art, production materials, prints and more will be held in Tokyo and Osaka.The exhibition will combine works from the manga and anime, including Matsumoto’s own manuscripts. Scenes and production materials from the anime will also be on display, including new artwork drawn by series character designer Akemi Takada.
Merchandise will also be available at the venue, including 88graph prints. An autograph session with Takada will be held on May 11, and the first 100 people to purchase 3,000 yen or more of goods at the exhibition will be able to participate.
The Kimagure Orange Road 40th Anniversary Exhibition will take place from April 26 to May 12 at Yurakucho Marui in Tokyo, and June 15-30 at Namba Marui in Osaka.You can watch the entire Kimagure Orange Road anime right here on Crunchyroll!
It can be hard moving to a new school, and fifteen-year-old Kyosuke has it harder than most. He’s fallen head over heels for his classmate Madoka, a girl who won’t even give him the time of day, and unintentionally ended up dating her best friend, Hikaru, instead. Worst of all, Kyosuke and his family have amazing supernatural powers, but he has to keep them hidden from the rest of the world! How is Kyosuke ever going to balance the affections (or lack thereof) of two girls, schoolwork, and his secret abilities all at the same time?
Source: Comic Natalie