The live-action series adaptation of Hirohiko Araki’s JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure spinoff Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe is getting ready to continue with a new episode. This time around the installment will be based on the manga’s “Mitsuryo Kaigan” story, and it’s currently set to make its debut in Japan on May 5.The premiere date reflects a broadcast via NHK’s BS Premium 4K, with an airing on NHK General to follow closely behind on May 10. The episode finds Rohan and editor Kyoka Izumi visiting an Italian restaurant with a chef, Tonio Trussardi (played by Alfredo Chiarenza), who has the power to improve the health of his customers with his food. In order to cure his fiancée, Hatsune Morishima (played by Misako Renbutsu), who is suffering from a serious illness, Tonio tasks Rohan with tracking down a rare ingredient that could serve as a cure.A new visual for the overall ninth episode arrived along with the announcement:
In addition to the new episode, the Rohan at the Louvre live-action film will make its broadcast debut in Japan on April 27 via BS Premium 4K, followed by NHK General on May 6.
The Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe TV drama is directed by Kazutaka Watanabe and features screenplays by Yasuko Kobayashi, and it stars actor Issey Takahashi as Kishibe Rohan. The first season of the TV drama is streamed in the United States via Tubi and Retrocrush, while Netflix streams the Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe anime adaptation.Source: Comic Natalie