The official YouTube channel for anisong duo ClariS has started streaming a music video for their 28th CD single song, “Andante.” The song, which is filled with their typical transparency and cuteness, is now featured as the ending theme for the TV anime Spice and Wolf: MERCHANT MEETS THE WISE WOLF.”We were really fired up to do our best to color the ending of the wonderful anime, Spice and Wolf,” ClariS said about the song. “After checking the anime’s story, we were excited that the song would give you a new feel of ClariS, so we can’t wait for the anime to air! Now that the song is actually completed, we are looking forward to listening to it through the anime!”The CD single of “Andante” is set to release in Japan on May 8, 2024. Ahead of the CD release, the title tune has been already available digitally since April 2.
ClariS “Andante” music video
Spice and Wolf: MERCHANT MEETS THE WISE WOLF anime creditless ending movie
ClariS new artist illustration for the single
Based on the light novels by Hasekura Isuna and Ju Ayakura, Spice and Wolf: MERCHANT MEETS THE WISE WOLF is chief-directed by Takeo Takahashi and directed by Hijiri Sanpei at studio Passione. Ami Koshimizu and Jun Fukuyama reprise their roles as Holo and Lawrence, respectively, from the original 2008 anime.The anime is included in Crunchyroll’s spring 2024 lineup, and its first episode “The Harvest Festival and The Crowded Driver’s Box” is now available for Crunchyroll Premium members in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East and CIS.Crunchyroll describes the series:
Lawrence is a traveling merchant selling various goods from a horse-drawn cart. One day, he arrives at a village and meets a beautiful girl with the ears and tail of an animal! Her name is Holo the Wisewolf and she brings bountiful harvests. She wishes to return to her homeland, and Lawrence offers to take her. Now, the once-lonely merchant and the once-lonely wisewolf begin their journey north.
Sources: ClarIS offciial YouTube channel, SACRA MUSIC press release ©SACRA MUSIC