The official Twitter for the My Senpai Is Annoying TV anime announced on March 31 that its opening movie had already been viewed over 10 million times on YouTube. The 90-second clip featuring the opening theme song “Annoying! Sunsun Week!” performed by the anime’s four main female voice cast members — Tomori Kusunoki (as Futana Igarashi), Saori Hayami (as Toko Sakurai), Reina Aoyama (as Natsumi Kurobe), and Aoi Koga (as Mona Tsukishiro) — was posted on YouTube on October 10, 2021, the TV anime’s premiere day in Japan. The Twitter account had been counting down to the milestone since last week.
My Senpai Is Annoying TV anime opening movie
CD jacket
The TV anime adaptation of Shiro Manta’s romantic comedy manga series, My Senpai Is Annoying, aired for 12 episodes from October 1o to December 26, 2021. All episodes are available on Crunchyroll. Crunchyroll describes the series:
Being seen as a full-fledged business woman isn’t easy for Futaba Igarashi when her senpai, Harumi, treats her like a kid. Days for her are never typical, at work or outside of it, with all the antics going on in her life. As mishaps ensue, she’ll find herself growing closer with her loudmouth senpai. Maybe Futaba feels more than she lets on, but one thing’s for sure: she’s still annoyed!
Source: “My Senpai is Annoying” anime official Twitter© Shiro Manta, Ichijinsha / My Senpai is Annoying Production Committee