Mission: Yozakura Family, an upcoming TV anime based on the spy-themed shonen manga of the same name, has revealed four new cast members as well as some additional broadcast details. The series will broadcast in Japan for two consecutive cours beginning on April 7, 2024, and it will also stream in worldwide markets on Hulu and Disney+.
The new cast members include (pictured below, from left to right):
Ayaka Kirsaki voiced by Mariya Ise (Theodor August Hein in 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!)
Rin Fudo voiced by Romi Park (Star and Stripe in My Hero Academia)
Sui Aoi voiced by Koki Uchiyama (Rei Suwa in Buddy Daddies)
Oga Inugami voiced by Daiki Hamano (Bora in Technoroid OVERMIND)
Mission: Yozakura Family cast additions
The original Mission: Yozakura Family manga by Hitsuji Gondaira is serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump manga magazine, and an English language version is also available from Viz Media. Mirai Minato writes and directs the TV anime adaptation at animation studio SILVER LINK., while Mizuki Takahashi provides the character designs and chief animation direction and Koji Fujimoto and Osamu Sasaki of Sus4 Inc. provide the music.
Mission: Yozakura Family key visual
Viz Media describes Mission: Yozakura Family:
Taiyo Asano is a super-shy high school student and the only person he can talk to is his childhood friend Mutsumi Yozakura. However, Mutsumi comes from a line of master spies with amazing powers. Her oldest brother, Kyoichiro, is obsessed with Mutsumi and out to kill anyone who gets remotely near her—and his next target is Taiyo! The only way for Taiyo to save himself from Kyoichiro’s murderous clutches is to marry Mutsumi!
Source: Comic Natalie