Vampire Dormitory, an upcoming TV anime based on the supernatural romance manga, has published a new character preview, this time focusing on leading lady Mito Yamamoto (voiced by Kana Ichinose). The series broadcasts in Japan beginning on April 7, 2024, and it will also stream on Crunchyroll as part of the spring 2024 anime simulcast lineup.
The original Vampire Dormitory manga by Ema Toyama is published in Japan by Kodansha in their Nakayoshi shojo manga magazine, and an English language version is also available from Kodansha USA. Nobuyoshi Nagayama directs the TV anime adaptation at Studio Blanc., Toko Machida provides the screenplays, and Naomi Tsuruta provides the character designs.
Vampire Dormitory key visual
Crunchyroll describes Vampire Dormitory:
“I want to become your thrall…!”
A crossdressing girl and doting vampire’s dangerous cohabitation is about to begin!
After losing her parents and being abandoned by her relatives, Mito is left all alone in the world. When she’s kicked out of the restaurant where she works with no money and no place to live, she is taken in by Ruka, a vampire. In exchange for giving Ruka her blood as his “food,” she ends up living with him in a boys’ dorm full of beautiful boys with unique personalities…?!
Source: official avex pictures YouTube channel