Delicious in Dungeon, an ongoing TV anime based on the fantasy manga of the same name, has shared creditless versions of its new opening and ending animation sequences. The opening animation features the song “Unmei” (“Destiny”), which is performed by sumika, while the ending animation features the song “Kira Kira no Hai” (“Sparkling Ashes”), which is performed by Regal Lily.
The original Delicious in Dungeon manga by Ryoko Kui was serialized from 2014 – 2023 in Enterbrain’s Harta seinen manga magazine, and an English language version is also available from Yen Press. Yoshihiro Miyajima directs the TV anime at animation studio TRIGGER. The series is currently broadcasting in Japan, and is also streaming in worldwide markets on Netflix.
Delicious in Dungeon key visual
Yen Press describes Delicious in Dungeon:
When young adventurer Laios and his company are attacked and soundly thrashed by a dragon deep in a dungeon, the party loses all its money and provisions…and a member! They’re eager to go back and save her, but there is just one problem: If they set out with no food or coin to speak of, they’re sure to starve on the way! But Laios comes up with a brilliant idea: “Let’s eat the monsters!” Slimes, basilisks, and even dragons…none are safe from the appetites of these dungeon-crawling gourmands!
Source: Delicious in Dungeon on Twitter