Gods’ Games We Play, an upcoming TV anime based on the fantasy adventure light novel series, has published a new teaser trailer previewing the first episode with narration by the Mysterious Beautiful Girl (voiced by Miyu Tomita). The series begins broadcasting in Japan on April 1, 2024, and it will also stream on Crunchyroll as part of the spring 2024 anime simulcast lineup.
The original Gods’ Games We Play light novels are written by Kei Sazane, illustrated by Toiro Tomose and published in Japan by Media Factory under their MF Bunko J imprint. An English language version is also available from Yen Press. Tatsuya Shiraishi directs the TV anime at animation studio Liden Films. NTL provides the series composition and scripts, Yoshihiro Watanabe (of Frontier One), and Gin (Busted Rose) provides the music.
Gods’ Games We Play key visual
Yen Press describes Gods’ Games We Play:
In their (overabundance of) free time, the gods grew bored and decided to create challenging battles of wits to spice things up! Their opponent? Humanity! A select few players called “apostles” meet the gods on the spiritual realm’s playing field to beat the deities at their own games. A former god named Leshea has woken after sleeping for thousands of years, and her first demand is to meet “this era’s very best player!” She is introduced to Fay, an acclaimed rookie apostle. Together, they plan to challenge the gods and win the ultimate prize, but no one in human history has managed to clear ten games—because the gods can be capricious, outrageous, and sometimes downright incomprehensible! In the face of absurdity, what can the apostles do but enjoy the contest to its fullest?
Source: Comic Natalie