Ahead of an April 6 premiere in Japan, the upcoming original anime Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night released a third character trailer introducing Kiwi Watase, Mahiru’s childhood friend and self-proclaimed “strongest” VTuber voiced by Miyu Tomita (Karane in The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You).
With an original story by JELEE and character drafts by popman3580, Ryohei Takeshita (Eromanga Sensei) directs Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night at studio Doga Kobo, with scripts by Yuki Yaku (Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki author) and character designs adapted for animation by Junichiro Taniguchi (SING “YESTERDAY” FOR ME).HIDIVE is slated to stream the series as it airs and describes the story:
Four young women—an artist who quit drawing, a retired idol wishing to prove her worth, a hotheaded V-tuber, and a mysterious composer—band together on the late-night streets of Shibuya to form an anonymous artist group called “JELEE”. Produced by Doga Kobo on the studio’s 50th anniversary, this touching coming-of-age ensemble drama celebrates the unique energy of Shibuya, Japan’s most popular nightlife district, as well as the legacy of Doga Kobo, studio behind smash-hit series Oshi no Ko.
Source: Official Twitter