As Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM continues to put on a show at the box office since its initial theatrical release on January 26, the anime film’s website and official accounts unveiled a second key visual in celebration of its blockbuster status.
The visual’s tagline reads, “Wings of freedom that seize the future.”
Second Key Visual
The Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM anime film opened in Japan on January 26, 2024, becoming the fastest film in Japan to break the one million yen mark this year, breaking records for the entire Gundam series along the way. The film is directed by Mitsuo Fukuda, who also wrote the script along with Chiaki Morosawa and Riu Goto.
A North American premiere is slated for Los Angeles and New York on March 31, with special guests in attendance for each. In the meantime, you can catch up with the original Mobile Suit Gundam SEED anime on Crunchyroll!
In Cosmic Era (C.E.) 70…
“The tensions mounted between the Earth Alliance and the ZAFT Forces caused by the ‘Bloody Valentine’ tragedy have erupted into an all-out war.” The Earth Alliance’s mobile armor forces and tanks launch…mobile suits are destroyed one after another…
“It seemed a foregone conclusion that the Earth Alliance, with its superior numbers, would be victorious. But this initial assessment proved to be false. Almost 11 months have passed since the conflict began, with no end in sight…”
Source: Official Twitter